Animal Jam updates!

Everything's new in Jamaa! New colors, New armor, new Contest, New adventure! But soon the lions will be endangered and leaving Jamaa forever! Maybe for fun you and your buddies can make a "Save The Lions" mob in Jamaa township!

Its here! The summer carnival has finally come for the summer! And the best part, the new hyenas have come for sale in the diamond shop! There is also the new armor that's coming and the old one that's leaving! Ok spoiler, the new armor is the Spirit armor!

Jamaa's new updates! A new adventure, The new animal the hyena, Den Portals, And the summer carnival just around the corner!

A new animal coming to Jamaa? Here is the complete puzzle of the new animal! My guess is a Hyena. 

The news in the Jamaa journal! The new Sol Arcade den is here! I have it now and it is awesome. Also the new Mystical Armor! Very magical looking, and epic lol. This also includes information on the giraffes and the new Easter activity!

The new April Fools items! The Zany item, the Silly item, the Wacky item!

The new April Fools party is here! Get the jokes ready because the day is near! I can't wait because April Fools is my time to shine! lol
Look over there ------>
April Fools!